Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This design for the Jazz and Blues Festival is very clever with negative space as they have used shape to hide the large negative areas, but by making the shapes transparent, the negative space still exists. This creates a strong use of shape and line. With a strong element of colour. I like the block colour effect. It captures attention creates a hierarchy on the typography used. I will explore this use of block colour.
This design has used negative space very evidently by firstly using a monochromatic colour system and secondly by inforcing it by using a white background. The entire image is made by line and shape. This has created a strong eye flow within the image, guiding the viewers eye to the information at the bottom of the page. I really like the subtle complexity to the image that is hidden with the use of minimal colour. I think I will try and recreate a similar effect in my work.

This poster uses a negative space concept to create a hierarchy on the centre image. It uses shape in conjuction with colour to create the centre image, this is evident with the water colour shapes. Line has been used to create balance within the text at the bottom. I like the boldness of the typograpghy used, I will try and use a similar method in my final design.

The "Streetstyle" poster uses negative space to highlight the top image of the poster. Also, by using a green like blue colour, it highlights the purple in the illustration. This poster uses a very evident use of shape with the triangles covering the illustration. These shapes and colour also create a glass like texture. I like this subtle texture within the design. I think the use of a small amount of colours will highly influence my design.