Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This is my final of the Landscape of the Asburd. I wanted to make sure it look fake, and didn't seem realistic. I think I have shown this well. It uses Hierarchy with the front image and shows a foreground, midground and backgroun with the use of scale and proportion. The use of repetition is obvious with the mask (birds) and the pens (trees). Text has been use to create a texture on the pens (tree trunks). Subtle, but still included.

LANDSCAPE OF THE ABSURD (Scanned and Downloaded Images)

These are some of the downloaded and scanned images I will use in my final Landscape of the Absurd.


We went out and took crazy shots of the human form to use in our final piece. These are a select few of the fun time we had!


In groups we play around with cut outs to create dominances in hierarchy and repetition and proportion and the like. A number of shots were taken, but I have picked three of the stronger compositions to show the general gist of the exersice.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My poster design has used a faint line subtly within the negative space of the background of the design. It is a textured line which creates an emotion of imperfection of the festival. I used this as it is a fun and laid back atmosphere at this festival so I needed to convey that somehow. Shape has been used throughout the design. Firstly, the silhouette of the girl dancing is a very strong and bold shape, used to capture attention and to symbolise the fun and free spirited nature of the festival itself. Secondly, the typography involved in the design, is supported by a rectangular shape behind it to create an emphasis on the type. The colours I have used were purposely chosen to create contrast within the design. They also give a fun and edgy emotion to the festival which conveys the festival appropriately. Texture is the main element used in the background with the photo of the compact disks. I was hoping to imply by this photo that there is a wide range of music at the festival, I wanted to create depth by using texture, but I also wanted to inform the viewers and give them a sense of choice.


This is the poster so far. It has texture and strong contrast and use of shape but it needs more of an emphasis on line, without taking away from the negative space of the background.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


These are the elements I will be using for my final poster. I took the photo myself, I drew both the silhouette and the typography.


My design option sketch shows the balance and contrast I will use in my work. I will be using Negative space in the background, with a subtle texture of compact disks over the top. The side imagery will be a silhouette, and the colours on the block shapes will be bold colours too. These will be colours that contrast well with eachother. I will hand draw the typography which will feature as the heading, it will incorporate some line into the composition.


"Bectazium" is a music festival that features all type bands from all types of genres. These include: Rock, Alternative, Indie, Punk, Dance and Pop. The target audience is teens and young adults, it is a 16 years of age and up festival. As it has an age limit, it is a smoke and alcohol free event to prevent any problems. The atmosphere is full on and heaps of fun! As it is an outdoors event featuring a number of stages it is a very large area in which the event is held. The festival has such a diverse range of music genres and is known as the "All Rounder Gig" because of this. It's purpose is to celebrate all different styles of music and introduce bands that have not hit the mainstream scene yet.


These Art Nouveau style furniture pieces all hold the typical aesthetics of the flowing Art Nouveau period. You can see in the first image that there is a strong use of curved shape. Also there is a great use of line creating pattern and a texture up the legs of the table. Once again, in the second image, the use of curved lines is evident in the table legs. The aesthetics shown in the image of the cupboard, show a very lined filled design, creating a curved and flowing deign which feels as if it is floating. The final design depicts swans, a beautiful free animal, which shows the Art Nouveau style focused on a free and flowing element within their designs.


The design for the Push Over 2004 poster uses contrast in the form of using a monochromatic colour system in the background and highlighting important objects with a complimentary colour in the foreground. The use of shape is used all throughout the pink/red background. It is also used to highlight the character in the foreground by placing a shape at the base of the illustration. The use of an orange colour has been used in the main heading to contrast with the blue of the character depicted. The line used coming out of the heading is to draw attention to the heading so it s the first thing that the viewer notices. I like the patterns in the background, but I don't think I will be majorly influenced by this design as it is very plain.
This Push Over 2008 poster has used contrast well by using black in the foreground of the image. By doing so, it brings out the patterns of green lines and shape in the background. It all themes together however with the use of similar colours for the typography. Also complimentary colours exist in the design with the red heading standing out in the foreground, boosted by the green background. I think I will be greatly influenced by this design of poster as I really like the effect that the bold black has done with the busy background.

This design has used contrast to highlight the guitar in the centre of the poster. It does this buy using warm shaded colours in the background and cool shades in the foreground. The typography used has created a wavy line in the design. The use of line is also evident within the foreground image. I like the use of a bold image in the foreground which captures the viewers eye straight away, I will try to convey this in my final design.

This poster design for the Pyramid Rock Festival has used contrast mainly in the use of colour chosen. The colours chosen rely on complimentary colours with the use of red and green, and blue and orange. A texture has been created in the background by the use of very fine and small intricate detail created by line. This helps bring out the flat foreground typography by creating a contrast between textured and flat. I like this effect, I don't think I will be influenced too greatly by this design as it is a little too busy for my liking.


This design for the Jazz and Blues Festival is very clever with negative space as they have used shape to hide the large negative areas, but by making the shapes transparent, the negative space still exists. This creates a strong use of shape and line. With a strong element of colour. I like the block colour effect. It captures attention creates a hierarchy on the typography used. I will explore this use of block colour.
This design has used negative space very evidently by firstly using a monochromatic colour system and secondly by inforcing it by using a white background. The entire image is made by line and shape. This has created a strong eye flow within the image, guiding the viewers eye to the information at the bottom of the page. I really like the subtle complexity to the image that is hidden with the use of minimal colour. I think I will try and recreate a similar effect in my work.

This poster uses a negative space concept to create a hierarchy on the centre image. It uses shape in conjuction with colour to create the centre image, this is evident with the water colour shapes. Line has been used to create balance within the text at the bottom. I like the boldness of the typograpghy used, I will try and use a similar method in my final design.

The "Streetstyle" poster uses negative space to highlight the top image of the poster. Also, by using a green like blue colour, it highlights the purple in the illustration. This poster uses a very evident use of shape with the triangles covering the illustration. These shapes and colour also create a glass like texture. I like this subtle texture within the design. I think the use of a small amount of colours will highly influence my design.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Here are some trials with colour. I did silhouette, Monochrome and contrasting colours.