Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This was an art work I did in year 12. I have put this up as inspiration as it uses shape, line and colour effectively together to create a very positive emotion.


These are Europian inspired Art Nouveau designs for achitecture. You can see the evident use of swirls and such flowing aesthetics.
There is a strong use of line, this is highly evident in this golden image below, the roof is entirely created form a stong flowing line.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I really love this advertisement. The colurs are so bright and happy. They create such a strong emotion. It has used values with the pink but made it contrast strongly with the yellow. The image on the right uses values of reds to create the flower patterns. The image on the left

uses similar values and almost a triadic colour system.


This is the illustration draft with texture. I chose once again to leave the trees blank to create a hierarchy on the characters in the foreground. I also took a few more textured photos to create the material and skin textures.


I then used these photographs of textures, plus a couple more shown to colour in the illustration with the clone brush and making my own patterns.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Then I drew these textures. I might try them in a different medium.


We went outside and found different textures and took photographs of them. These textures included: Rough, smooth, grainy, gritty, bumpy, woven, crinkled, soft, hard and wavy.


My illustration in colour draft. I have purposely left the tree trunks uncoloured as if I was to colour the entire drawing, you would lose the meaning behind the line. I think by doing this, it creates a strong hierarchy on the foreground with the characters and they are the most important element to the illustration, so that works well.


Here is my Little Red Riding Hood scene in which I have used line to create emotion. I have used perfect lines with many curves to incourage the perfect happiness to the scene, as my twist is that the wolf is indeed Little Red's pet. I really like this illustration. I especially like how the use of line has brought out the happiness in the image. If i had have used a jagged line, it would have just looked like a messy drawing, the line style I used really inforces an emotion within the illustration.


Here are some line activities. I'm not sure I really got some of them right but i did with whatever popped into my head first. There are a few images as I did this on an A3 page and it didnt scan well.